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This Week in Class!!

The week of February 8th-12th, 2021

This week in Earth Science our 6th Graders will be learning about how heat moves on Earth.  The focus will be on convection, conduction, and radiation. 

Georgia Standard of Excellence S6E4B:   Plan and carry out an investigation to demonstrate how energy from the sun transfers heat to air, land and water at different rates.

Common Formative Assessment on standard scheduled for Thursday, February 18, 2021.  


Our 7th Graders will be learning about Asexual Reproduction and Sexual Reproduction and how traits are passed onto offspring in each scenario. 

Georgia Standard of Excellence S7L3B:  Develop and use a model to describe how asexual reproduction can result in offspring with identical genetic information while sexual reproduction results in genetic variation.

Common Formative Assessment for standard scheduled for February 23, 2021.

Virtual Schedule:  


6C: 9:25-10:10 am

7A: 10:20 am-11:05 am

LUNCH 11:05-12:05

7B: 12:10-12:55 pm

6B: 1:05-1:50 pm

6A: 2:00 pm -2:45 pm


Friday:  Independent Study/Individual Tutoring

Google Classroom Codes:

7B: zgh27az

7A: tcbypsv

6C: 26frf3y

6B: xwghd7q

6A: yj36sas


Google Classroom Tutorial for Parents:

Zoom Meeting Code:  

968 5888 5710



Zoom Code:  968 5888 5710

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